chinese minced pork and aubergine

How to Make Minced Pork and Aubergine

Embarking on a gastronomic adventure through the intricate world of Chinese cuisine, we find ourselves drawn to the enchanting symphony of flavors that minced pork and aubergine promise to deliver.

How to Cook Chinese Minced Pork and Aubergine

Recipe by Cinnamon GrayCourse: Beef


Prep time


Cooking time






  • 500g minced pork

  • 2 x aubergine

  • 4 x spring onion

  • 1 x egg

  • 2 x tbs olive oil

  • 4 x tsp oyster sauce 4 x tsp seasoned soy (mixed with water)

  • 2 x cloves garlic

  • 2 x tsp 13 spice seasoning

  • 3 x tsp chicken seasoning

  • 1 x tsp sesame oil

  • rice flour + water

  • 1 x tsp mushroom seasoning


  • Combine
    Pork with, spring onions diced.
  • Add 2 x tsp oyster, 2 x tsp soy mixed with water.
  • Add 1 tsp 13 spice, 1 tsp chicken seasoning, 1/2 an egg (beaten) sesame oil,
    1 x tbs olive oil, and mix.
  • Slice aubergine with 3/4 deep slice in the center creating a sandwich
  • Add pork mix to the aubergine slice
  • Combine some rice flour and water
  • Prepare a shallow pan with olive oil on high heat
  • Dip and cover the meat side of your aubergine into the rice flour mix
  • Add the aubergine to the pan
  • cook until golden brown, both sides
  • Stage 2
    Add some olive oil to a deep pan on high heat
  • Add some 13-spice seasoning
  • Mix, 2 x tsp oyster, 2 x tsp soy mixed with water
  • Add the garlic, and a splash of oyster and soy mix to the pan
  • Add aubergine sandwiches
  • Add the rest of the oyster soy mix
  • Add 2 cups of water
  • place the lid, cook for 10 – 15 mins stirring occasionally
  • before removing add some mushroom seasoning gently stir in
  • And Enjoy!

Recipe Video


  • All the information you need here to make this your own have fun, and enjoy!

Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with this culinary masterpiece.

Chinese Minced Pork and Aubergine

Embarking on a gastronomic adventure through the intricate world of Chinese cuisine, we find ourselves drawn to the enchanting symphony of flavors that minced pork and aubergine promise to deliver. Get ready to tantalize your taste buds with this culinary masterpiece.

 The Art of Ingredient Selection

Choosing the perfect cut of pork: a dance of fat and lean

In the realm of minced pork, selecting the right cut is an art form. The ideal dance between fat and lean creates a harmonious texture, ensuring a succulent and flavorful outcome. Lean pork provides structure, while a touch of fat adds the necessary richness, culminating in a symphony of mouthwatering delight.

Aubergines unveiled: navigating the varieties for optimal flavor

Not all aubergines are created equal. Navigating through the myriad of varieties, from the slender Japanese to the plump Italian, is crucial for achieving the desired depth of flavor. Each type brings a unique nuance to the dish, transforming it from a simple stir-fry to a culinary masterpiece.

 Mastering the Prep Work

Knife skills 101: dicing pork with finesse

Before the wok sizzles and the flavors meld, mastering the art of knife skills is paramount. Precise dicing of the pork ensures even cooking and a delightful texture. The rhythmic chop of the blade sets the stage for a culinary performance that will leave your guests craving for an encore.

Aubergines’ quirks: to salt or not to salt, that is the question

To salt or not to salt, that is the question when dealing with aubergines. Unveiling their quirks, this step is crucial to drawing out excess moisture and enhancing the vegetable’s natural flavors. A delicate balance that separates a mundane dish from a gastronomic delight.

 The Symphony of Seasoning

Soy sauce’s umami embrace: a salty symphony

Enter soy sauce, the maestro of umami. A salty symphony that binds the ingredients together, creating a depth of flavor that resonates on the palate. The measured pour of soy sauce transforms the dish from a mere stir-fry to a culinary crescendo.

Ginger and garlic: the aromatic duo that elevates the dish

In the aromatic realm, ginger and garlic take center stage. This dynamic duo, finely minced and judiciously added, elevates the dish to new heights. Their fragrant dance in the wok infuses the entire concoction with layers of complexity, leaving a lingering scent that is nothing short of intoxicating.

A pinch of sugar, a dash of rice wine: balancing the flavor palette

Balancing sweetness and acidity is an art, and in the world of Chinese minced pork and aubergine, sugar, and rice wine play a crucial role. A pinch of sugar adds a subtle sweetness, while a dash of rice wine brings a nuanced acidity, harmonizing the flavor palette for a perfect blend.

 Cooking Techniques Unveiled

Searing the pork: the sizzle that sets the stage

The wok comes alive with the sizzle of searing pork. This crucial step seals in the juices, creating a flavorful foundation for the dish. The aroma of caramelized pork wafts through the kitchen, signaling the beginning of a culinary masterpiece.

Wok mastery: achieving the perfect stir-fry dance

Wok mastery is the heart of Chinese cooking, and when it comes to minced pork and aubergine, the stir-fry dance is paramount. The high heat, the rapid toss, and the precise timing are the secrets to achieving the perfect texture and flavor. It’s a culinary ballet that transforms humble ingredients into a symphony for the senses.

The aubergine’s journey from raw to tender: slow and steady wins the race

As the pork sizzles, the aubergines join the performance. Their journey from raw to tender is a slow and steady process. Patience is the key as they absorb the flavors of the wok, reaching a melt-in-your-mouth consistency that adds a luxurious touch to every bite.

 Fusion Flavors: Optional Additions

Incorporating Sichuan peppercorns for a tingling twist

For those seeking an adventurous twist, Sichuan peppercorns are the secret weapon. Their tingling, numbing sensation adds a layer of complexity, turning a classic dish into a bold culinary exploration. Use sparingly for a sensory journey that surprises and delights.

The sesame seed finale: a crunchy touch to elevate the texture

As the finishing touch, sprinkle sesame seeds for a crunchy finale. This not only adds a delightful texture but also imparts a nutty undertone that complements the richness of the pork and the earthiness of the aubergines. It’s the grand finale that leaves a lasting impression.

 Plating Prowess

The artful arrangement: a visual feast

Presentation is the prelude to indulgence. Arrange the dish with artistic flair, creating a visual feast that mirrors the flavors within. A well-plated minced pork and aubergine dish not only satisfies the palate but also captivates the eyes, setting the stage for a memorable dining experience.

Sprinkling with green onions: a burst of freshness

For the finishing touch, sprinkle with finely chopped green onions. Their vibrant color and fresh, pungent flavor provide a burst of freshness, cutting through the richness of the dish. A simple yet effective garnish that elevates the overall dining experience.

 Savory Success: Tips and Tricks

Balancing flavors on the palate: the key to a memorable dish

Achieving a memorable minced pork and aubergine dish is all about balance. Regularly taste and adjust the seasoning, ensuring that no single flavor dominates. The harmonious interplay of salty, sweet, and savory is the hallmark of a successful culinary creation.

Leftovers reinvented: transforming minced pork and aubergine into a new culinary adventure

Don’t let leftovers be an afterthought. Transform them into a new culinary adventure. Consider stuffing them into dumplings, rolling them into spring rolls, or even layering them in a savory pie. The possibilities are endless, ensuring that the magic of minced pork and aubergine continues to unfold in new and exciting ways.

And there you have it—a detailed guide to crafting the perfect Chinese minced pork and aubergine dish. Now, it’s time to roll up your sleeves, gather your ingredients, and let the culinary symphony begin!

Ingredients for Chinese Minced Pork and Aubergine:

  • Pork:
    • 500g of finely diced pork (balanced fat and lean).
  • Aubergines:
    • 2 large aubergines, sliced into bite-sized pieces.
  • Aromatics:
    • 2 tablespoons of minced ginger.
    • 3 cloves of garlic, finely minced.
  • Seasoning:
    • 1/4 cup soy sauce.
    • 1 tablespoon sugar.
    • 2 tablespoons rice wine.
  • Optional Additions:
    • Sichuan peppercorns (to taste).
    • Sesame seeds for garnish.
  • Vegetable Prep:
    • Salt (for aubergine if using larger varieties).
  • Finishing Touch:
    • Chopped green onions for garnish.

Gather these ingredients to embark on your flavorful journey of creating Chinese minced pork and aubergine!

Crafting the Perfect Chinese Minced Pork and Aubergine

  • Preparation Prerequisites
    • Begin by finely dicing your selected cut of pork, ensuring a harmonious blend of fat and lean for optimal flavor and texture.
    • If you’ve chosen to use larger aubergines, slice them into bite-sized pieces, allowing them to absorb the rich flavors of the dish.
  • Knife Skills Showcase
    • Take a moment to appreciate the art of knife skills as you finely mince ginger and garlic. These aromatic powerhouses will infuse the entire dish with a fragrant symphony.
  • Aubergine Quirks: To Salt or Not to Salt
    • Sprinkle a pinch of salt over the aubergine slices if you’ve opted for larger varieties. This step draws out excess moisture and enhances the natural flavors. Allow them to sit for 15-20 minutes, then pat them dry with a paper towel.
  • Searing the Pork
    • Heat your wok to high temperature and sear the diced pork until it achieves a golden brown color. This step locks in the succulent juices, setting the stage for a flavor-packed experience.
  • Wok Mastery: The Stir-Fry Dance
    • With wok in hand, execute the stir-fry dance. Toss the seared pork, ginger, and garlic with finesse, ensuring an even distribution of flavors. The high heat is your ally in achieving the perfect texture.
  • The Aubergine’s Journey
    • Introduce the aubergine slices to the wok, allowing them to join the flavorful dance. Slow and steady wins the race here—let them absorb the rich concoction, transforming into tender morsels of delight.
  • Soy Sauce’s Umami Embrace
    • Pour soy sauce generously into the wok, letting its umami embrace envelop the ingredients. This salty symphony ties everything together, creating a depth of flavor that resonates on the palate.
  • Ginger and Garlic Finale
    • As the wok sizzles, sprinkle the minced ginger and garlic into the mix. Watch as their aromatic dance elevates the dish to new heights, infusing it with layers of complexity.
  • Sweet and Tangy Harmony
    • Add a pinch of sugar for a subtle sweetness and a dash of rice wine for nuanced acidity. Balancing these elements is the key to achieving a harmonious flavor palette.
  • Optional Fusion Flavors
    • For the adventurous palate, sprinkle in Sichuan peppercorns sparingly. Their tingling twist adds a layer of complexity that transforms a classic dish into a bold culinary exploration.
  • Crunchy Sesame Seed Finale
    • As a grand finale, sprinkle sesame seeds over the dish. This not only adds a delightful crunch but also imparts a nutty undertone that complements the richness of the pork and the earthiness of the aubergines.
  • Artful Plating
    • Take a moment to appreciate the visual feast you’ve created. Arrange the dish with artistic flair, showcasing the vibrant colors and enticing textures.
  • Freshness Garnish: Green Onions
    • Sprinkle finely chopped green onions over the plated dish for a burst of freshness. Their vibrant color and pungent flavor provide the perfect finishing touch.
  • Tasting and Adjusting
    • Before serving, taste the dish and make any necessary adjustments to achieve the desired balance of flavors. The interplay of salty, sweet, and savory should be a harmonious symphony on the palate.
  • Leftovers Reinvented
    • Don’t forget about the creative potential of leftovers. Transform them into dumplings, spring rolls, or even a savory pie for a new culinary adventure.

Congratulations, you’ve successfully orchestrated the creation of a Chinese minced pork and aubergine masterpiece! Enjoy the culinary symphony you’ve crafted with precision and creativity.

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