sticky ribs pepsi

How to Make Sticky Ribs with Pepsi

There’s something irresistibly tantalizing about a plate of sticky ribs. The succulent meat that effortlessly pulls away from the bone, coated in a rich, glossy glaze that’s both sweet and savory. It’s a dish that evokes primal satisfaction, a true feast for the senses.

How to Make Sticky Ribs with Pepsi

Recipe by Cinnamon GrayDifficulty: Easy

Sticky Ribs cooked in Pepsi


  • 500g of spare ribs or 17.6 Ounces

  • Some Baking powder (cover ribs)

  • 3 slices of lemon

  • 2 spring onions, chopped.

  • 8 slices of fresh ginger

  • 2 star anise

  • 2 tablespoons of  soy

  • 3 tablespoons of rice wine

  • 1  tablespoons of oyster sauce

  • 12 lump sugar

  •  pepsi

  • Garnish with fresh Mint, sesame seeds and spring onion


  • Start by covering the ribs in baking powder, this helps soften the meat.
    Place the ribs in water bring to the boil, adding the rice wine, Boil the ribs for five to six minutes.
  • Skim off the excess fat from the water surface.
    Clean the ribs of with hot water and strainer, give them a wipe with a paper towel.
  • Add some oil to your pan, add your lump sugar and dissolve them into the oil.
    Add the ribs to the pan, add your ginger, onion, soy, oyster sauce and pepsi covering the ribs.
  • And your lemon, and a little water to keep everything soft.
    Simmer with the lid on occasionally turning the ribs.
  • Remove lid after 40 minutes, wait for the juices to reduce, about 1 hour total.
    Garnish with mint sesame seed and green onion.

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But what if I told you the secret to achieving that perfect sticky glaze lies in an unlikely ingredient? That’s right—Pepsi. This fizzy drink isn’t just for quenching your thirst; it’s the magical component that can elevate your ribs to a whole new level of deliciousness.

What You’ll Need

To embark on this culinary adventure, you’ll need a few key ingredients. Start with a good quality rack of ribs—this could be baby back, spare, or St. Louis-style, depending on your preference. Then, gather your essentials: garlic, soy sauce, brown sugar, ketchup, vinegar, and of course, a can of Pepsi. The carbonation and unique flavor profile of Pepsi not only add sweetness but also enhance the depth of the marinade and glaze, making your ribs truly unforgettable.

Choosing the Right Cut: Selecting Your Ribs

The journey to perfect sticky ribs begins with choosing the right cut of meat. Baby back ribs are leaner, with a delicate flavor, perfect for those who prefer a lighter dish. Spare ribs, on the other hand, come from the belly and have more fat, which translates into richer, juicier meat. St. Louis-style ribs are a trimmed version of spare ribs, offering a balance of meatiness and flavor. Your choice will dictate the texture and taste of the final dish, so select wisely based on your personal preferences and the occasion.

The Marinade: Infusing Flavor

The magic of sticky ribs lies in the marinade—a concoction that imparts flavor deep into the meat. Start by mixing garlic, soy sauce, brown sugar, ketchup, vinegar, and Pepsi. The acidity of the vinegar and the effervescence of Pepsi work together to tenderize the meat, while the brown sugar and ketchup add a caramelized sweetness. Marinate your ribs for at least 4 hours, or overnight if possible, to allow the flavors to fully penetrate. This step is crucial for creating that mouth-watering taste and texture that makes sticky ribs so delectable.

Slow Cooking: The Path to Perfect Tenderness

Now that your ribs are infused with flavor, it’s time to cook them low and slow. Slow cooking is the key to tender, fall-off-the-bone ribs. Whether you’re using an oven or a slow cooker, keep the temperature low and the cooking time long. This method allows the collagen in the meat to break down gradually, resulting in a melt-in-your-mouth texture. The Pepsi in the marinade also plays a role here, helping to break down the meat fibers while adding a subtle sweetness that enhances the overall flavor profile.

Creating the Sticky Glaze: The Magic Touch

As your ribs cook to perfection, it’s time to turn your attention to the sticky glaze. This is where the magic happens. In a saucepan, combine the remaining marinade with additional Pepsi, and let it simmer until it thickens into a luscious glaze. The key here is to strike the right balance between sweet, savory, and umami. The Pepsi reduces down, concentrating its flavors, while the sugar caramelizes, creating that signature sticky texture. Brush this glaze generously over your ribs during the last 15-20 minutes of cooking to create a beautiful, shiny finish.

Grilling vs. Baking: Methods for Finishing Your Ribs

When it comes to finishing your ribs, you have two main options: grilling or baking. Grilling will give your ribs a smoky flavor and a slightly charred crust, while baking will result in a more even caramelization. If you opt for grilling, make sure to preheat the grill and cook the ribs over indirect heat to avoid burning the glaze. For baking, place the ribs on a rack in a hot oven and keep a close eye on them to achieve that perfect golden-brown finish. Either way, you’ll end up with sticky ribs that are incredibly flavorful and satisfying.

Serving Suggestions: Elevating the Experience

Once your sticky ribs are ready, it’s time to think about how to serve them. Pair your ribs with classic sides like coleslaw, cornbread, or roasted vegetables to create a well-rounded meal. A cold, crisp salad can also provide a refreshing contrast to the richness of the ribs. For an added touch of elegance, consider garnishing your dish with fresh herbs like parsley or cilantro. And don’t forget the extra napkins—these ribs are deliciously messy!

Troubleshooting Tips: Common Mistakes to Avoid

Even the most experienced cooks can run into challenges when making sticky ribs. If your ribs turn out dry, it’s likely they were overcooked—remember, low and slow is the mantra. If the glaze is too sweet, balance it out with a splash of soy sauce or vinegar. And if the ribs aren’t as sticky as you’d like, simply brush on more glaze and pop them back under the grill for a few minutes. With these tips in mind, you’ll be able to troubleshoot any issues and ensure your ribs are perfect every time.

Now that you’ve mastered the art of making sticky ribs with Pepsi, you’re ready to impress your friends and family with a dish that’s both unique and incredibly flavorful. Enjoy!

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